
Red Team Offense Village

An Official DEF CON 27 Village

Activities and Presentations


Technical Presentations
The DEF CON 27 Red Team Offense Village has an amazing lineup of speakers and presentations! The talks range from introductory topics of Red Teamming to very advanced techniques and tactics. Speakers go over how they try to mimic a true adversary. Creating their own tools and exploits to compromise and access sensitive systems and information in any way possible, as quietly as possible. Access the details of each presentation and speakers here


The village will have 6 different stations with numerous exercises where participant can practice their skills and learn new ones. Most stations have exercises that can take you anywhere between 30-40 minutes to complete. We will also give you "homework" where you can complete dozens of other exercises. We will have laptops for you to complete the exercises, but feel free to bring your own.

1) Introduction to Red Teamming

True Red Team assessments are different from traditional pen testing. They follow some pen testing methodologies, but are more targeted and focused — designed to test the organization’s detection and response capabilities. This station will get you started with the concepts of Red Teamming.

2) Hacking Web Applications

This station walks you through different exercises related to hacking modern web applications. You will also receive tons of materials and additional exercises that you can complete in your own. You can take advantage of VMs and Docker containers that were created to practice your skills. 

3) Sabotage

This station includes several exercises around infrastructure security. You will learn different concepts and skills related to performing assessments of enterprise infratructures and underlying systems.

4) Cyber Attack Techniques (CAT)

This station also includes severeal offensive security exercises that you can complete onsite. You can learn how to bypass security controls and cover your tracks.

5) Introduction to Exploit Development

Participants of this station will learn the concepts of exploit development, introduction to return oriented programming (RoP), and many other concepts. 

6) Russian Red Team
Hack This Site!
(Saturday only)

What is the "Hacked in 15 minutes"
1) The participant take a seat
2) Connects to the our network via Ethernet/wifi
3) Shares his laptop screen on projector
4) Opens site with the tasks and press "start"
5) Participant gets link for a random task and description
6) Timer starts (separate monitor)
7) After 10 minutes, participant should drink a shot of vodka to get an additional minute
8) If participant solves a task in less than 15 minutes he gets a prize (probably T-Shirt)




Thank you to our sponsors! The DEF CON Red Team Offense Village is a community driven village. We would like to thank our platinum sponsor Devo for supporting the cybersecurity community and the DEF CON Red Team Offense Village. 

Flamingo Las Vegas
3rd Floor 

Laughlin 1 - Presentations
Laughlin 2 - Stations, CFP, and Other Activities



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